Tag: Personal Growth

Inspirational essays about life and struggles

RAW—Ottawa Design Club

  An essay by Jiji Ugboma originally published in the Ottawa Design Club Zine 003. RAW When I think of the word “Raw” I think of the concept of being unfinished. The…

This is Water – By David Forster Wallace

This speech was originally delivered by David Foster Wallace as the 2005 commencement address at Kenyon College.   This Is Water Greetings parents and congratulations to Kenyon’s graduating class of 2005. There…

Inspiring books to read this summer

16 Highly Recommended Coming of Age Books

So Many people loved out last book list (6 books to spring clean your quarter-life crisis) so we decided to update this list (originally published last year) and give you the readers…

How I Used IKIGAI To Find My Life’s Purpose

IKIGAI is a Japanese concept meaning “A Reason for Being”. It consists of 4 pies: Passion, Profession, Vocation, and Mission. Do you ever wonder why you live in this world? I DID!…