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5 Tips To Help You Succeed at Working From Home

One of the struggles of remote work is the realization that your work life and home life are blended together. It can be difficult staying upbeat when it feels like you’re always on the clock. However, working from home can provide a positive and even more effective working experience when you get the hang of it. In the last year, working from home has become so popular that people are quitting their jobs instead of going back to the office. 

Despite the many advantages, working from home can be hard to master. If not done right, working from home could have negative impacts on your productivity and mental health. We share five tips to help you succeed at working from home below.

Spice Up Your Home Office

Sometimes, your work desk can be a bit drab even if it is from the comfort of your own home. To fix this, start spicing up your desk! If you have any collections, such as mementos, antiques, or toys, have them displayed all around your home office setup.  Having comfortable furniture to relax in would help immensely with your break times as well. Have a nice sofa near your desk whenever you take a break. Creating an intentional workspace helps put you in the right mindset when you work. It also helps separate your workspace from the rest of your home.


Take Short Breaks 

Taking short breaks can help increase your productivity, keep you engaged, and reduce stress. Many studies have shown that several short breaks have shown to be more effective than taking only one long break. Short or micro-breaks also reduce the tension that builds up on certain parts of your body due to sitting in the same position for hours. When working from home, it’s important to remember to take short breaks like going for a walk outside, fixing yourself a small snack, or grabbing your favorite skincare items for a quick skincare routine. When you take short breaks try to make at least one of your breaks without any screen time. 

Listen to Some Tunes

One advantage of working from home is you don’t have to worry about bothering your coworkers with your music. Music has a way of improving our mood. If you’re the kind of person that can’t concentrate on work with music playing in the background, try playing classical music or spa relaxation music. These kinds of music don’t distract you but create a relaxing yet upbeat atmosphere.

Research has shown that music has positive effects on our creativity, productivity,  and cognition. It can also help you stay motivated and ease your anxiety. The next time the oppressive silence of work is stressing you out, play a few of your favorite tunes. The effects can be instantaneous. 

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Talk to People

Whether it’s your co-workers, friends, or family, find someone you can chat with on topics not related to work. One of the hardest things to deal with when working from home is the lack of human interaction. This is especially daunting for those who live alone. When you work from home all week, make an effort to get out of the house and socialize. If you can’t leave the house there are platforms such as Slack, Zoom, and Skype, and other apps that allow you to socialize with old friends or make new friends from the comfort of your home. For friends and family, you can visit them after work or just give them a call. Make sure you build a life outside of work. Do not isolate yourself. A brief conversation with a friend can mean a happier day at work.

Take a Day Off

Yes, you heard that right. Even when you are working from home, you still need to take days off from work. Take advantage of your paid vacation days to spend the day doing what you love. Go on a trip, catch up on your favorite TV shows, plan a date with your significant other, or just nap all day

On your days off, make sure to stay away from work and if you can, avoid going into your home office altogether. Use your day off to focus on things you enjoy doing, but never had the time to.


4 Time Management Tips If You Struggle With Working From Home

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